Tuesday, February 7, 2023

How Ukrainian Pilots Dodge the Russian Igla and Verba Defense Systems!

via Military Update
The Ukrainian sky was once a playground for fighter jets, soaring through the air with ease. But with the introduction of the Russian Igla and Verba defense systems, the skies have become a much more dangerous place for those daring pilots. The Igla system is a shoulder-mounted, heat-seeking missile launcher that can bring down aircraft with incredible precision. The Verba system, on the other hand, is a portable air defense system that uses a combination of radar and optical systems to locate and track targets. So there you have it, folks. The Russian Igla and Verba defense systems have proven themselves to be incredibly effective in hunting down fighter jets in the Ukrainian skies. This video has only just scratched the surface of what these systems are capable of, so if you're interested in learning more about military defense technology, be sure to subscribe to our channel for more exciting content like this.

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